There was little reporting of this by mainstream media (big surprise) but in early November during an ongoing lawsuit against the FDA, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it 55 years — until 2076 — to produce records from Pfizer’s clinical trials, apparently the FDA lawyers weren’t wearing clown suits at the time. They said that the FDA has 330,000 pages of documents from the trials, and it wants the court to approve producing 500 pages per month. Therefore, it wanted to produce the documents over the next 660 months. That’s 55 years, sounds reasonable to me! They stated that the FDA just didn’t have the staff to review and disclose all those pages and it’s the best they could do. After all why would any of us really want to read this stuff, we can just take Pfizer’s and the FDA’s word on the injections, they’re great, scouts honour!
Personally, I can’t believe they filed that motion in federal court. Let’s put this in context, we’re talking about a drug that the Biden government is trying to force on every man, woman, and child in the U.S. and that’s addition to it being pushed by almost every other world government. So in light of this, the FDA thought that us citizens shouldn’t be able to see the data supporting the drug’s safety and efficacy for 55 years? They weren’t kidding folks; the sad part is that they were deadly serious! Their whole premise of the motion was that the FDA had to carefully review every single page before it’s disclosed. They didn’t’ want to inadvertently disclose some confidential patient information in there or something, better to be safe than sorry, right?
The attorneys requesting the documents made a great point. They said, but judge, the FDA somehow managed to review all these EXACT SAME pages over just a few months to approve the drugs and make sure they were safe for not only U.S. citizens but citizens worldwide. But how come it’s going to take so long now to review the EXACT SAME PAGES and produce them under FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act)? Call us crazy your honor but shouldn’t it be a lot easier now, given that they’ve already been vetted by the FDA and based on that review injections were deemed to be safe for human beings?
Not according to the FDA lawyers at the time, they told the court that “the review conducted by FDA scientists when considering approving a product is entirely different from the review conducted by FDA government information specialists when considering whether FDA must keep certain information confidential.”
There you have it in a “nutshell” their entire argument was its “entirely different.” They failed to mention HOW it was “entirely different” or WHY reviewing documents for confidential information is harder and takes longer than it does to study the documents to confirm drug safety in the first place.
Bottom line, that information should have been in the public space from day one. The FDA’s motion was a pitiful disgrace, and thankfully for us (the little people) the federal judge had common sense and didn’t buy the “fairytale” and denied the FDA’s request and ordered the FDA to produce 500 DOCUMENTS per month, not pages.
Well in the the first batch of released documents is a post-approval report of adverse events identified between December 20 and February 2021. The report is labeled strictly confidential on the front: “The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or other dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited.”
The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations.
Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.
Pfizer has withheld the total number of doses released across the world, citing corporate trade secrets. This is indicated by “(b) (4)” in the document, where specific numbers and facts are redacted.
Even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5.
Shockingly, the document reveals that more than three times as many women were damaged by the Pfizer vaccine, compared to men. There were 29,914 adverse events recorded in women, with just 9,182 recorded in men. It is not known whether the same number of men and women took the vaccine, but this number exposes the very real possibility of a gender-specific vaccine damage risk that the FDA went to great lengths to cover up.
Anecdotally, most of the neurological damage we’ve seen in people who have been damaged by the vaccine — convulsions, numbness, pain, etc. — has been depicted in women, not men. It looks like the FDA knows the mRNA vaccine exhibits a disproportionate, gender-specific damage profile that also affects women in terms of spontaneous abortions (also covered in the report).
Also, to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this smoking gun document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”
This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.
Under the label of “missing information,” Pfizer also told the FDA that it has no information about “Use in Pregnancy and lactation” nor covering “Use in Pediatric Individuals < 12 Years of Age.”
“Vaccine Effectiveness” was also listed as “Missing information” by Pfizer.
In other words, Pfizer told the FDA its vaccines could kill people and that it had no information about vaccine effectiveness, yet the FDA fraudulently pushed the vaccine as “safe and effective” anyway. Pfizer even told the FDA that it had no safety information about use in pregnant women, yet the FDA (and Fauci, the CDC, etc.) all pushed the vaccine for pregnant women, despite the utter lack of safety information.
Based on this document, it appears that the FDA has lots of explaining to do, and the mistrust of the agency is warranted, given they granted usage approvals to the very same corporations that openly told the FDA its products were killing people.
In the section labeled, “Use in Pregnancy and lactation,” the report discusses reports of the mRNA vaccine being linked to:
-spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each).
-Notice that “spontaneous abortion” represents by far the highest number in these reports. In other words, the FDA knew this vaccine would kill unborn babies, but they pushed it on pregnant women anyway.
This confidential document, just the first of thousands yet to be released, reveals two critical things to those who are genuinely interested in the truth:
1) The FDA committed criminal fraud and misrepresentation in approving mRNA vaccines as “safe and effective.” This means top FDA decision makers must now be held accountable and face the legal consequences of their actions.
2) The mRNA vaccine was known by Pfizer to be deadly even in its first three months of emergency use. This means Pfizer is also complicit in the continued deaths of innocent victims, as Pfizer itself should have pulled its deadly vaccine and halted all sales and distribution.
Please visit the website of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency to learn more as well as download all the documents which have been made available under the FOIA so far as well as more to come.
In this video I'll share with you why I think self-censorship is even far worse than censorship legislation that political tyrants are trying to pass worldwide.
You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.
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In this video I'll share my thoughts on why some experts, politicians and bureaucratic tyrants are still pushing their failed policies and what we need to do in response.
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Yes our cowardly Prime Minister is at it again, in a recent speech and in an attempt to "memory hole" the facts, he now claims that he never mandated mass vaccinations for Canadians, but only incentivized them for doing so!
Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.
I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!
In case you missed it, there was an attempted assassination of former President Trump, and in this video I'll share my thoughts on how mainstream media responded and how President Trump responded!
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Amazing must read by Ayaan Hirsi Ali