Kam Brar
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Individuals interested in developing their critical thinking skills by engaging in robust and respectful discussions and debates.  This community is interested in pursuing truth no matter where it may lead and even when it goes against the socially accepted narratives.  This community realizes that for any democracy to survive and thrive at it’s cornerstone must be “free speech” and the suppressing and or stifling of it only leads to tyranny and destroys individual liberties and freedoms
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January 13, 2022
“Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab - but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’.

Well, in Narrative 2.0 (N2.0) we need to update our understanding of the new scientific method — Science 2.0, kinda catchy, no? Here is an example of it as, reflected in a headline from the Telegraph yesterday: “Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab - but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’.” In the article, scientists explain that they HAD to lie to the public. Why? It could have “harmed science.” Lying and getting caught isn’t what harms science, you see. Telling the truth harms science, or something, sort of like when Jack Nicholson told Tom Cruise in the movie A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth!” I guess the scientists simply wanted to protect us by not telling us the truth, because we couldn’t handle it, makes sense to me.

And anyway, it wasn’t THEIR fault. They had to do it, wait for it, because of all the … RACISTS!

You see, back in early 2020 people were starting to get mad at China for being so insanely irresponsible that it let a virus escape a poorly secured lab and infect the whole world. But it’s definitely NOT China’s fault. After all what are a bunch of poor communists to do, everyone knows that it’s the sworn duty of every communist to protect the motherland and lie all the time. So, you can’t blame them. See? After all they don’t have the luxury of living in a democracy, where they’re free to be honest and not fear reprisals by the government, you know like it once was? That makes sense, right?

But all you racists out there. If the scientists had told the truth, that it looked a WHOLE LOT like Covid came from the Wuhan lab, instead of coming up with the dumbest theory ever, that the pandemic was caused by regular folks … Not VEGANS but MEAT eaters … shopping at an open-air market — and not global elites, communists, corrupt bureaucrats, dark-money intelligence types, and incompetent scientists — well then, it might have somehow “interfered” with international harmony. People would have got mad at the communists, I mean the Chinese and stopped buying their “dollar store” crap, or something like that.

Okay, they know this seems bad, but look. It’s just not in the “public interest” and very “kumbaya” like to hold political fat cats who’ve made fortunes sucking blood out of public treasuries accountable. I mean come on, roasting them and not marshmallows, well that’s totally NOT loving! In fact, dare I say it, it’s racist or something.

Now think about this. What ELSE aren’t scientists telling us because it’s not harmonious and might “harm science?” Can you conceive, for example, of a future time when scientists say, “we always thought the injections would do more harm than good but feared further debate would harm science and erode trust in government and the institutions.” Could that happen?

Well in N 2.0 anything is possible, so don’t be surprised by the appearance of “Real Science” in this stage of the pandemic, I guess better late than never!

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April 29, 2023
Today's Video - Self-censorship is the worst kind of censorship!

In this video I'll share with you why I think self-censorship is even far worse than censorship legislation that political tyrants are trying to pass worldwide.

You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.

As always I welcome your uncensored opinions and thoughts!

April 28, 2023
Today's Video - Don't let the "bastards" win!

In this video I'll share my thoughts on why some experts, politicians and bureaucratic tyrants are still pushing their failed policies and what we need to do in response.

As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.

April 27, 2023
Today's Video - Justin Trudeau now claims he never "mandated vaccination" only incentivized it!

Yes our cowardly Prime Minister is at it again, in a recent speech and in an attempt to "memory hole" the facts, he now claims that he never mandated mass vaccinations for Canadians, but only incentivized them for doing so!

Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.

I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!

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