Kam Brar
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Individuals interested in developing their critical thinking skills by engaging in robust and respectful discussions and debates.  This community is interested in pursuing truth no matter where it may lead and even when it goes against the socially accepted narratives.  This community realizes that for any democracy to survive and thrive at it’s cornerstone must be “free speech” and the suppressing and or stifling of it only leads to tyranny and destroys individual liberties and freedoms
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January 26, 2022
Winning over the “1/3”

From everything I’ve looked at pertaining to “Mass Formation Psychosis” the numbers roughly break out as follows:

-1/3 of the folks completely fall into it’s trance, as the promise of what’s being offered, hit’s the nerve of “take care of me” These are folks who can’t fathom the idea of suffering and pain and are willing to trade it for self-autonomy and liberty. These are folks who view government and government officials as “good people” who only ultimately want the best interest of all their citizens. These are folks who use terms such as “social contract” and feel that everyone individual has an obligation to do what’s best for society and put their own self-interest ahead of the “greater good” They view their submission as a benevolent act stemming out of a noble view of themselves and view others who are not willing to go along as “uncaring and selfish” and “evil people who don’t value others.” Basically, they’ve deified submission and vilified those who won’t. They are unlikely to change their viewpoint no matter how much profound and contradictory evidence emerges that challenges their currently held narratives and viewpoints. They simply can’t see it because they refuse to look. Their need to be right (in their worldview) exceeds their willingness to seek the truth, as they are defined wholly by this worldview.

-1/3 of the folks completely see through it as they’re fiercely independent and don’t need someone to come to their rescue. These folks understand that if someone does offer to do so, it will come with a price. When I was a kid, I read this on the back of a bumper sticker on a van and it’s stuck with me ever since, “gas, grass or ass no one rides for free!” While it may be crude, it’s truth. These are folks who live by the motto, “I’m fine just the way I am, thank you very much!” These folks generally are critical thinkers and are not afraid of being politically correct. While they’re fine in “herds”, they’re just as fine going it alone. Most of these folks are nuanced enough where they realize that the saying “deep down people are generally good”, couldn’t be further from the truth. They understand that in each of us lives larceny and it’s only morality entrenched in eternal truths that keeps it in check.

-1/3 of the folks aren’t completely sold on the narrative being presented, but for the sake of going along to get along, do so. They are the “nice Canadians” they don’t want to offend but they also don’t really want to give up the live they’ve come accustomed to. They’re not ideologically driven but more, so practicality driven. Their reasons for conforming will vary, but the primary drivers are financial security, not wanting themselves or more importantly their children to be social pariahs. As mentioned, they’re not ideologically driven so they don’t see the long-term negative ramifications of trading today’s liberties for tomorrow’s promises. They understand that government is less than perfect, however they cannot bring themselves to think of those in charge are “evil” they just view them as less than perfect. They have a hard time seeing how erosion of freedoms today could lead to even more down the road.

So given all that where do we go from here in the battle to win “hearts and minds?” I’ve said it repeatedly to all those who will listen, we are currently the minority and in order to succeed we need to become the majority. So just looking at the numbers alone, there’s a 1/3 of the folks who’ll likely never come over to our way of thinking, however our 1/3 that thinks the way we do cancels the first group out. So, the real opportunity lies with the 1/3 in the middle, those who primarily submit or submitted out of convenience, whether it be financial and or social or any combination of these or something else, it wasn’t’ ideologically driven. Every day that passes increases our chances of turning more and more of these folks against the narrative. That’s because everyday more and more facts supporting what we’ve been saying all along keeps coming out. Initially, those that pushed this narrative could hide behind models and speculation as to what the “virus” would do and use that to justify all the draconian measures, but as each day passes that becomes harder and harder because we’re all living in “real time” and can clearly see what the “virus” does. A year ago, all we could do is speculate on what a failure the injection policy would be, and the other side could tout all of its benefits, but now with the hindsight of time, we can see it’s been mostly failure and little success.

Unfortunately, this is likely to do very little to change the minds of our friends in the first group, but it’s well worth throwing out the following talking points with them to at least leave them something to think about. We don’t need to waste a lot of time but throw out a parting salvo. These “Blue pill rationale’s” were made by Steve Kirsch recently as to why mandates should be ended, and I felt they are useful to our approach with this group

Blue Pill Rationale

1. We don’t need mandates for the vaccine or masks because we know they work. No need to sell us! Mandate or not, we will comply.

2. We no longer fear those who are not compliant: we are all boosted up the wazoo using safe and effective vaccines with virtually no side effects AND we are wearing N95 or P100 masks at all times. And we always stay 6 feet from any other person. So there is basically no way to infect us.

3. We have nothing to fear. Virtually none of us will be hospitalized, and none of us risk death. And the prevalence of Omicron makes our risk even lower.

4. We think people who are not compliant are evil and deserve to die. Why force them to take life-saving medical interventions? We are better off as a society if these people are gone. Permanently.

5. We trust our doctors to deliver quality medical advice. Our doctors always follow the CDC (government) guidance which has been uniformly excellent. We all should be treated the same, no matter what our medical histories are. If the doctors follow the CDC (government) guidelines, almost nobody dies. All the hospitals are filled with uninjected people.

6. Just to be safe, we test ourselves every day using antigen tests for COVID. If we have a positive test result, we now have two new safe and effective drugs from the most trusted drug companies in the world so that in the rare chance that we get COVID, we can treat it with nearly 100% success.

Okay so now let’s look at what Steve came up with for “Red pill rationale’s”, these are a “no brainer” for the 1/3 of us that didn’t fall under the trance, however they can be quite useful in some variation for the 1/3 that we are seeking to bring along side. Here they are:

Red Pill Rationale

1. Mandates aren’t needed because we won’t comply with them anyway. They just create division and animosity in society. They divide us.

2. We don’t fear the vaccinated.

3. Cloth, surgical, and N95 masks don’t work so why should we wear them? P100 masks do work, but they are pretty cumbersome and not worth the trouble for a COVID variant that can’t hurt us.

4. Social distancing is useless and doesn’t work. The 6 foot rule is not based on any science. Why isn’t it 5.2 feet? Nobody has seen the science justifying 6 feet so we aren’t going to comply with silly non-scientific rules.

5. The current COVID vaccines are more likely to kill people than save them. In the Pfizer trial, 24% more people died in the group taking the vaccine! So it’s clear. If the vaccines don’t kill us, they will actually make the pandemic worse because they depress our immune system making us twice as likely to be infected with COVID as well as susceptible to other diseases (like reoccurrence of cancer). They also cause serious side effects. They are the most dangerous vaccines in human history. There is no way we will take them. Mandating them is just going to piss us off and hurt the economy. You will not get us to take them.

6. Why would we take a drug that could kill us to prevent a variant that cannot? You’d have to be nuts. We will not comply so the mandates won’t make us.

7. The primary variant is Omicron which if it happened today, we’d just ignore it since it is like getting a cold.

8. If we get sick, we have very effective early treatment protocols using existing safe repurposed drugs like ivermectin, HCQ, aspirin, vitamin D, NAC, and Prozac. These protocols are 100% successful in preventing death from COVID when given early. We would never use Molnupiravir or Paxlovid; those drugs are both super dangerous.

9. We use symptoms to determine if we have COVID. If we are unsure, we can use antigen tests. There is no need to test if we aren’t symptomatic because we know there is virtually zero asymptomatic spread and because the antigen tests almost never work reliably unless you are symptomatic so it’s a complete waste of money to test asymptomatic people. The testing companies don’t want anyone to know that, but we do.

10. If we do get sick with COVID symptoms, we stay home and rest.

11. Even if we had a truly safe vaccine, those of us who are recovered from COVID wouldn’t need it. A uniform mandate for everyone makes no sense.

12. We believe doctors should be allowed to be doctors and that medical care should always be delivered by our healthcare professional we trust to use his professional judgement on our individual case. The CDC guidance is just awful.

So, there you have it, hopefully you can utilize some or all this information with respect to your approach with the “swayable” group. Personally, I think as every day passes these arguments will resonate more because the sheer volume of data this is coming out, is undermining the old narrative (1.0) as well it’s confirming the “conspiracy theories” that we’ve been putting forth. Time is proving that yesterday’s “conspiracy theory” is today's “fact and reality.” As I’ve said folks time and time again, we’re in a “marathon not a sprint” and the arguments of the other side are starting to lose steam, however, they’re committed to having us believe that’s not the case. They want us to believe we are losing, but we are beginning to win, and more importantly get better organized, and what tyrants fear more than a mob is a united and organized mob, which we’re becoming more and more daily!

Keep Fighting!

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April 29, 2023
Today's Video - Self-censorship is the worst kind of censorship!

In this video I'll share with you why I think self-censorship is even far worse than censorship legislation that political tyrants are trying to pass worldwide.

You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.

As always I welcome your uncensored opinions and thoughts!

April 28, 2023
Today's Video - Don't let the "bastards" win!

In this video I'll share my thoughts on why some experts, politicians and bureaucratic tyrants are still pushing their failed policies and what we need to do in response.

As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.

April 27, 2023
Today's Video - Justin Trudeau now claims he never "mandated vaccination" only incentivized it!

Yes our cowardly Prime Minister is at it again, in a recent speech and in an attempt to "memory hole" the facts, he now claims that he never mandated mass vaccinations for Canadians, but only incentivized them for doing so!

Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.

I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!

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