Dear World Leaders, Talking Heads, Experts and Media Nostradamus’s,
First off before any of you accuse me of being a Russian stooge and a fanboy of Putin, sorry to burst your bubble, not the case. If there is anything I’m a fan of it’s freedom and peace, which unfortunately is in short supply to both the Ukrainian & Russian everyday people. They’re the ones being sandwiched and crushed by their leaders on both sides.
Having lived through the past two years and having seen both the folks that lead us and those that supposedly inform us, so blatantly lie, not a just a little, but inundate us 24/7 with big, fat, bold face lies, forgive me I’m a little skeptical of things on how things are being laid out.
How do I know something’s not right, easy, the same folks who were wrong about so much over the past 2 years are the same ones telling me which side to be rooting for on this one. They would have me simply believe it’s about Good (Ukraine) vs Bad (Russia) it’s that black and white. Like I said at the start I’m not an apologist for Russia or Putin, but if there is one thing, I know about life it’s that nothing is as clear cut as folks would have you believe. When it comes to the truth; “there’s his version, her version and somewhere in-between is the truth!”
So, to all the “experts, talking heads and media mental midgets” there are a few things that are perplexing me about all of this, if I may:
1) How come we weren’t told about any of these bio-weapon labs, apparently more than one are known to exist, and when it was first mentioned why was anyone who asked about them labelled a “conspiracy theorist” and quickly “cancelled”. Sounds a lot like what happened to folks who had questions about Covid?
2) Why were these lab(s) set up in the first place? And in Ukraine of all places? Given that the project originated by some little-known politician named “Barack Obama”, how could no government officials know they existed?
3) Given that this lab(s) was/were handling Type 1 & the deadlier Type 2 pathogens such as Ebola, and knowing what transpired with Wuhan especially if they fell into the wrong hands, as you claim they’re imminently going to be, why wouldn’t they have been closed at the first rumbling of an invasion with all deadly material moved to a safe location?
4) How is Dr. Anthony Fauci connected to any of this, given his past involvement with the Wuhan lab? Come to think of it where is the good doctor lately?
5) Is there an active & vibrant Nazi ideology in part of Ukraine? The reason I ask is because after the end of WWII, Allen Dulles, former CIA director helped several German Nazi scientists relocate to Ukraine and thereby avoiding the Nuremberg Trials. Not only that but history tells us that western Ukraine was an integral part of the Nazi’s base of operations as they had both headquarters and bases there, as well there were over 100,000 Jews executed during WWII in Ukraine.
In modern times the Azov Battalion is the armed wing of Ukraine’s white nationalist movement. In 2019, Facebook banned the neo-Nazi group and all posts praising it, under Facebook’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy. A 2016 human rights report concluded that Azov soldiers had raped and tortured civilians during the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now I’m not saying I believe Putin but one of the things Putin complained about in his speech was the neo-Nazi’s, he went on to say that was why Russia’s military was invading its next-door neighbor, it was about neo-Nazi humanitarian crimes.
Are we in the West now aligning Ukrainian Nazis? Are we providing them with support? Are we arming them, giving them guns and rocket launchers and stuff? If so, is that really a good idea?
6) Do you think it would be good for folks to know that George Soros is actively involved in Ukraine? To what capacity, well it seems his variety of groups and societies are funding groups such as the Momentum Movement, Sunrise Movement and Affinity Groups, you can look up what these folks do? Not only that didn’t he also play an integral part in putting into place the current leader of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky? In addition, what part did Soros play in the 2004 & 2016 uprisings in Ukraine?
7) What’s the involvement of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum as they seem to be fairly involved and interested in Ukraine?
8) What about the Antifa training centers in Ukraine, who set those up and who’s funding them?
9) Given Putin was posturing for a few months prior to the invasion, talking war rhetoric, why where there no talks through diplomatic channels to diffuse the situation? Why did the Zelensky take a hard-line position, one in which he doubled down and not only threatened to join NATO but also acquire nuclear weapons? Shouldn’t that have been the time for diplomacy, so cooler heads could have prevailed instead of the West goading on Zelensky further?
10) If now dear leaders, we’re so worried about human rights and the violation of them as well as persecution of everyday rights of everyday people, why have we not invaded or attacked China? Why did we instead participate in their recent propaganda campaign, you know the Olympic winter games?
Like I said at the start my sympathies lie with the people of both Ukraine and Russia, I pray for both, and wish no bloodshed on either side and while I would like to do what we can to support them within reasonable limits, I take with a “humongous grain of salt” both what their leaders as well as what you, purport to be “the truth” which explains my hesitancy to rush headfirst into this.
Now given the media is all about getting to the truth and our leaders are all about respecting freedom and democracy, which is what I’m told we’re standing up for in Ukraine, I’m sure I’ll be receiving a speed reply to my questions very shortly.
And is there anything more representative of this freedom and democracy than the citizens of the land openly asking their leaders questions?
Looking forward to your reply
In this video I'll share with you why I think self-censorship is even far worse than censorship legislation that political tyrants are trying to pass worldwide.
You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.
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In this video I'll share my thoughts on why some experts, politicians and bureaucratic tyrants are still pushing their failed policies and what we need to do in response.
As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.
Yes our cowardly Prime Minister is at it again, in a recent speech and in an attempt to "memory hole" the facts, he now claims that he never mandated mass vaccinations for Canadians, but only incentivized them for doing so!
Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.
I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!
In case you missed it, there was an attempted assassination of former President Trump, and in this video I'll share my thoughts on how mainstream media responded and how President Trump responded!
As always I welcome your thoughts and comments!
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Amazing must read by Ayaan Hirsi Ali