Kam Brar
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Individuals interested in developing their critical thinking skills by engaging in robust and respectful discussions and debates.  This community is interested in pursuing truth no matter where it may lead and even when it goes against the socially accepted narratives.  This community realizes that for any democracy to survive and thrive at it’s cornerstone must be “free speech” and the suppressing and or stifling of it only leads to tyranny and destroys individual liberties and freedoms
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April 20, 2022
Part 2: The Promise of the Vaccines VS The Reality…One year in

Picking up where we left off

4. The Promise: That mRNA was safe because it only targeted the shoulder muscle cells and couldn’t possibly infect organ cells or lymph nodes or other tissues.

The Reality: In order to trick cells into accepting the mRNA payloads, Pfizer and Moderna encased the molecules in a tiny dab of fat, called a “lipid nanoparticle” (LNP). The LNPs make the tiny mRNAs “promiscuous,” meaning they can infect virtually ANY type of cell, such as the inner lining of veins, called the endothelium.
What’s the downside of all of this, well now a cell infected by mRNA and shooting out spike proteins will be targeted by the body for destruction, just like any other kind of viral infection. The body doesn’t like cells that aren’t acting right (funny thing this self-preservation), and it targets them for destruction with extreme prejudice. To add insult to injury, in order to protect the mRNA from immediate termination by the immune system, the mRNA particles were combined with immuno-suppressant drugs called adjuvants by the pharmaceutical companies. So for about the first week, while the adjuvants are suppressing your immune response, the mRNA has free rein to infect your cells, whichever ones it can get to.

Which results in is injected folks having lots of cells “infected” with mRNA and the body trying desperately to destroy all those cells, which the CDC euphemistically calls “clearing them from the body.” Unlike natural Covid spike that only targets a few types of cells (those with ACE-2 receptors), mRNA payloads can infect ANY type of cell. At that point, the body has a HUGE job to “clear” itself of all these mRNA-infected cells, which may explain increased levels of autoimmune problems we’re seeing in some vaccine recipients.

5. The Promise: Dr. Fauci and his merry band of miscreants assured anyone and everyone that it was CONCLUSIVELY DETERMINED that the mRNA would NOT infect reproductive organs. They said it was COMPLETELY SAFE for expectant mothers and couples who wanted kids. No possible way it could affect reproduction, they said.

The Reality: There is now evidence finding LNPs, mRNA and vaccine-induced spike in ovaries, testes, and most other organs and systems involved in reproduction. Recently disclosed Pfizer documents (the Japan FOIA) provide evidence that the company knew this during its preliminary animal studies: “Also, mainly the liver, spleen, adrenal glands and distribution to the ovaries was observed, and the highest radioactivity concentration in these tissues was 8 to 48 after administration.”
Late last year, after repeated denials, the NIH was forced to admit that many women were experiencing changes in their menstrual cycles post-vaccination, and has issued millions in grants to study the problem.
So, what’s the short or long-term effect of this on human fertility? Beats me, as it’s anyone’s guess at this point. However, according to some commenters, any other drug showing these effects on reproductive tissues would have been pulled by now, or at a minimum the mass administering of it would have been halted rather than promoted zealously.

6. The Promise: There was no chance whatsoever that the mRNA enters the cell’s nucleus or modifies DNA. It’s not a gene therapy!, they insisted, over and over again The CDC still insists, “mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell where our DNA is located, so it cannot change or influence our genes.”
The Reality: To date at least one in vitro study has found the spike protein instructions being incorporated into cells’ own DNA in a process called “reverse transcription.” The authors reported “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h[ours] upon BNT162b2 exposure.”

The possibilities are staggering. A re-wired cell could produce spike protein forever, which could explain “long Covid,” where people appear to permanently test positive for Covid. Or, if the body treats these rewired cells as cancerous, it could trigger autoimmune diseases. Finally, modified sperm or egg cells could pass the mutated DNA into ALL children’s cells.

Link: [Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line](https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm)

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You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.

As always I welcome your uncensored opinions and thoughts!

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As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.

April 27, 2023
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Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.

I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!

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