Kam Brar
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Individuals interested in developing their critical thinking skills by engaging in robust and respectful discussions and debates.  This community is interested in pursuing truth no matter where it may lead and even when it goes against the socially accepted narratives.  This community realizes that for any democracy to survive and thrive at it’s cornerstone must be “free speech” and the suppressing and or stifling of it only leads to tyranny and destroys individual liberties and freedoms
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September 12, 2022
Dutch study examining “All-Cause Mortality” goes relatively UNNOTICED!

Somehow another sensational pre-print study from July, titled “Covid-19 vaccinations and all-cause mortality — a long-term differential analysis among municipalities” missed getting covered by corporate media. But hey, how can you blame them, it was the middle of summer and I’m sure stories like “The Bermuda Triangle, harrowing tales of bikini waxing gone wrong” were simply more important. Okay I made that one up, but these days I’m sure some government has funded a study of it!

For the record in case, you didn’t’ realize it, Dutch people come from the Netherlands, NOT Denmark. People from Denmark are called Danes, not to be confused with Great Danes, while I’m sure some Danes are, that’s a whole different species.

Anyways in the study, a Dutch researcher compared overall mortality rates in Dutch cities between 2019, 2020, and 2021. He explained that he relied on all-cause mortality to avoid confounders of age, culture, population density, and problems with rules for counting covid deaths.

What he found was there was NO statistical correlation between all-cause mortality when comparing the pre-vaccine period to the period after the vaccines came out and suggested that it suggests the vaccines were NOT effective at preventing deaths, despite what that public health experts have been touting. From the report:

“Normalized to 2019, we found no correlation between municipal mortality in 2020 with vaccination uptake in 2021, which shows the effectiveness of our confounder accounting. We could not observe a mortality-reducing effect of vaccination in Dutch municipalities after vaccination and booster campaigns… Our results add to other recent findings of zero mRna-vaccine effectiveness on all-cause mortality, calling for more research on this topic.”

Have I got your interest, great cause it’s get even more fascinating, the researcher observed a STRONG statistical correlation between the dual vaccine rollouts and increased all-cause mortality, in other words, he found spikes of deaths around the two big injection pushes, once again quoting the report:

“We did find a 4-sigma-significant mortality-enhancing effect during the two periods of high unexplained excess mortality.”

In layman’s terms, the study also showed strong evidence that the vaccines were not ‘safe’ either. So, a simple comparison of all-cause mortality during the pre- and post-vaccine periods shows neither safety nor efficacy. Doesn’t quite sound like what was promised huh?

The sheer fact that this study was report at all shows that those wishing to suppress such information can only do so for so long, at first it may tickle out but eventually it will be gushing, like the comparative mask studies.

I've attached the study as PDF you can download.

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April 29, 2023
Today's Video - Self-censorship is the worst kind of censorship!

In this video I'll share with you why I think self-censorship is even far worse than censorship legislation that political tyrants are trying to pass worldwide.

You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.

As always I welcome your uncensored opinions and thoughts!

April 28, 2023
Today's Video - Don't let the "bastards" win!

In this video I'll share my thoughts on why some experts, politicians and bureaucratic tyrants are still pushing their failed policies and what we need to do in response.

As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.

April 27, 2023
Today's Video - Justin Trudeau now claims he never "mandated vaccination" only incentivized it!

Yes our cowardly Prime Minister is at it again, in a recent speech and in an attempt to "memory hole" the facts, he now claims that he never mandated mass vaccinations for Canadians, but only incentivized them for doing so!

Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.

I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!

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