Kam Brar
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Individuals interested in developing their critical thinking skills by engaging in robust and respectful discussions and debates.  This community is interested in pursuing truth no matter where it may lead and even when it goes against the socially accepted narratives.  This community realizes that for any democracy to survive and thrive at it’s cornerstone must be “free speech” and the suppressing and or stifling of it only leads to tyranny and destroys individual liberties and freedoms
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November 18, 2022
Girl Guides Announce Name Change for ‘Brownies’ Because It ‘Causes Harm’

In case you missed it, Brownies, the organization not the dessert, will change its name after its parent organization, the Girl Guides of Canada (GGC), decided the name is not “inclusive” and “causes harm.” The organization will be renamed by September 2023.

For those of you who didn’t know, “Brownies” were helpful, magical, elf-like figures from English and Scottish folklore, but an email sent to volunteers Nov. 15 said the organization has heard from “racialized” girls and former members “that the name Brownies has hurt them. Some don’t want to be part of this … because of the name.” The GGC defined “racialized” as “black, indigenous, and people of color.”
I remember when I first moved to Canada, they used to have this old-fashioned saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but WORDS will never hurt me” man, we’ve come a long way from this huh? It’s a saying I lived by, given I was what you would deem to be a “minority” being a brown boy living in Vancouver during the 70’s.

If you don’t have kids or ever were part of Brownies, they’re a branch of Guides that offers regular meetings for girls aged seven and eight, with activities such as hobbies, outdoor adventures, skills building, and games. There are also Sparks for a younger age group and Rangers for teenage girls. My own daughter was a part of these organizations for a while but left prior to the beginning of the end.

In a statement, CEO of GGC Jill Zelmanovits said the organization is “changing the name of this branch to further remove the barriers of membership for racialized girls and women.”

“It is clear that this change is the right thing to do—Girl Guides cannot be represented by a term that causes any girl harm,” Zelmanovits said.

She added that the Girl Guides are focused on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and that the organization needs to “listen to the lived experiences of racialized girls.” With all due respect, not sure what “lived experiences” a 7-year-old is likely to have, anything they do have will be skewed simply due to their age as they’re a long way from home in terms of making sense of the world.

Members will be asked to help decide from a list of two names, which are to be announced in January 2023. Wanna bet they won’t be diverse and inclusive enough and that someone will be offended?

Originally, Brownies were called “Rosebuds,” but that name was changed to Brownies, and in 2010, references to God and religion were removed from the program, which would have been the beginning of the end. Then in 2015, the Girl Guides of Canada, always striving to be “ahead of the curve” allowed boys identifying as “transgirls” to join the program.

Ladies and gentlemen this story is yes further proof that given enough time there is nothing that leftist, deconstructionist, wokesters don’t turn into shit.

So instead of teaching young girls to be resilient, and not be bothered by a name as it doesn’t define their character nor they individual worth and value, they’re told to read into intent where there isn’t any, looking for “microaggressions” and signs of “racism” everywhere.

How many of you watching my video, ever thought of the term “Brownies” in a racial context associating them with “brown people?” I’m a brown man and I never, ever thought of them in this light. But I’m guessing based on this logic, we clearly need to rename brownies the dessert, after all what’s it say for our society at large, when we allow folks to eat “brownies” I mean c’mon it’s bad enough when fellow brownies do it, but hey it’s another thing all together when it’s “whites”.

I’ve got a suggestion for a new name, “Coddled Snowflakes”

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