Kam Brar
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Individuals interested in developing their critical thinking skills by engaging in robust and respectful discussions and debates.  This community is interested in pursuing truth no matter where it may lead and even when it goes against the socially accepted narratives.  This community realizes that for any democracy to survive and thrive at it’s cornerstone must be “free speech” and the suppressing and or stifling of it only leads to tyranny and destroys individual liberties and freedoms
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November 22, 2022
G20 Promotes the WHO’s Digital Global Vaccine Passport!

This should not come as a great surprise to those that feel liberty and freedom are under assault. Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) have issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks” that build on existing digital COVID-19 vaccine passport schemes.

The joint statement followed the conclusion of the G20 summit held in Bali, Indonesia, where leaders discussed global challenges and coordinating policies in response, including to future pandemics. Yes, responses to problems they helped create!

“We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations,” the G20 joint declaration reads.

Unfortunately, many of us weren’t paying attention back in 2005 when, the International Health Regulations (2005), an instrument of international law was developed and put forth under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and which lay down a global framework for responding to the international spread of disease.

The WHO-backed standard, which entered into force in 2007, required countries to strengthen surveillance capacities at border crossings and introduced a series of health documents, including international certificates of vaccination. Once again this was met with little resistance primarily due to the fact that it’s weaponization seemed far fetched at the time.

The G20 leaders said they support ongoing “international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics.”
Dialogue unless it’s from citizens that oppose this over-reach!

They added that these global digital health networks should “capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.”
What success, oh, you mean in being successful at suppressing individual rights!
Critics have singled out, COVID-19 vaccine passports and related forms of digital identity schemes as an invasion of privacy and a tool governments and corporations employ to coerce human behavior, by denying access to services and infrastructure, something citizens worldwide experienced firsthand over the past couple of years.
The joint declaration follows recommendations from Indonesia’s Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin made during a Business 20 (B20) panel held ahead of the G20 summit.

“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO—if you have been vaccinated or tested properly—then you can move around,” he said during a panel on Nov. 14.

Sadikin added that the benefit of a global WHO-standardized vaccine passport would be to facilitate international travel.

So much for visiting Indonesia!

“So, for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people 100 percent, which stopped the economy globally, you can still provide some movement of the people,” he added.

It’s too bad that someone didn’t give Sadikin a basic lesson on science instead of totalitarianism!

Sadikin added that G20 countries have agreed to such a global digital health certificate and that the idea now is to introduce it as a revision to the IHR framework at the next World Health Assembly, scheduled for May 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Couldn’t they at least hold one of these in Chernobyl, I’d even chip in for airfare!

As a reminder the fiends at the World Economic Forum (WEF) said in a February 2022 report that vaccine passports serve as a form of digital identity. This was in addition to the WEF’s comment, that “digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access—or, conversely, what is closed off to us.”
For those of you living under a rock, Herr Schwab and his WEF cancer are hell bent on employing a global digital identity framework, which will undermine and privacy and freedom across the world.

For folks who don’t believe in global borders, they sure want digital ones. In their utopia, you’ll have to show your mobile phone, your digital identity even if it’s just to grab some milk. And unlike Seinfeld’s famous soup Nazi who just denied the gang soup, these real-life Nazi’s, like Schwab, aren’t just interested in denying you products and services but society at large!

Contact your elected officials and tell them NO!

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You can watch it directly on Locals, as well on my Rumble channel but not on YouTube as due to censorship I still can't post for 4 more days.

As always I welcome your uncensored opinions and thoughts!

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As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.

April 27, 2023
Today's Video - Justin Trudeau now claims he never "mandated vaccination" only incentivized it!

Yes our cowardly Prime Minister is at it again, in a recent speech and in an attempt to "memory hole" the facts, he now claims that he never mandated mass vaccinations for Canadians, but only incentivized them for doing so!

Given I'm banned from YouTube currently I'll only be posting it to Rumble as well will post it directly on my Locals so you can watch it there as well.

I'll share my thoughts and as always welcome your comments!

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